Brekkie en Blanc! Simon Baker and ‘mystery’ girlfriend coordinate in artsy white outfits for morning outing.

BY: David J Lawrence

You know you’re a couple when you coordinate your outfits, sip your morning coffee and munch on freshly baked artisan scrolls in Bondi. That was the scene this morning as Simon Baker and his new mystery squeeze stepped out in matching white outfits looking like they are preparing to slop a fresh coat of paint on the beach shack. Instead they took a short walk up the street for coffee and a scroll with that new couple glow and once fed and caffeinated continued on to Mackenzies for a little dip. Simo’s mystery squeeze even continued the all white theme with a white one piece cozy.
I do wonder how the morning of costume coordination started. Did they roll out of bed after morning fart; actually come to think of it the relationship is still very new so perhaps no morning fart from Simo unless he has mastered the art of the muffled duck. Then again he is ‘the Mentalist’ so could probably convince you his farts don’t smell – I digress – did they roll out of bed and casually throw on their respective outfits only to then look at each other and its like surprise oh you’re also wearing white oh well that’s cute lets both wear white today. Or perhaps Simo has some kind of ‘House Rules’ stuck to the fridge, item 1. Visitors shall only wear white when at my beach house 2. If you dont have any white outfits you can borrow some from the ‘community’ basket in the laundry. 3. If you borrow from the community basket you must replace items ensuring they are washed.
The mind boggles as to how it all came about. Perhaps they are so head over heels and feeling so blessed they ‘consciously’ choose to wear white as a symbol of their new romance. Yes I like that lets go with that.
Here’s some pics of Simo and new squeeze. Credit: MATRIX