Nicole Kidman dodges freaky fan with stupid gift and skips the peasant queue as she checks in for a flight at Sydney Airport.


Being an Academy Award winning actress / style icon / mother of two / original BMX Bandit and UNICEF goodwill ambassador does have its downside. Imagine arriving at one of the shittest airports in the world, in this case Sydney Airport only to be be accosted by paps and fans sticking stupid gifts in your face for you to sign the moment you step foot out of your limo.

That was Nicole’s experience when she arrived at the departures terminal today. Now don’t get me wrong Im not about to start advocating for the rich and famous. Aww ‘life is hard’ when you’re an internationally recognised film star, oh the many things one must endure. No no. But I do wonder what goes through their minds in these situations. I imagine Nicole in the back of the limo psyching herself up as she approaches the terminal; ‘OK girl you can do this, you’ve done this a million times before, just get out of the car without falling over, remember to smile, its just a short walk past the peasants to the lounge, two minutes of fuckery tops and its G&T time before wheels up.’

One can relate. Please enjoy these pics of Nicole walking. Credit: MATRIX

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