OUCHIES Here’s what American’s had to say about Australia in response to our Raygun interview


Spoiler alert: it wasn’t good.


A week on and we still can’t get enough of Raygun. We took to Martin Place to see what people really think. #raygun #breakdancing #olympics #raygunbreakdancing #breakdancingolympics #interview #sosydney #sydney #australia #martinplace

♬ Catch That Groove – Lynne Publishing

It’s no stranger to any good, honest and true Sydneysider that shitting on American’s is one of our favourite pasttimes. Between their orange presidents, gun laws and always being so LOUD, our friends from across the Pacific don’t always get a great wrap.

Historically, I’ve felt occasionally guilty for partaking in this trend. After all, there’s a damn lot of them going round, there’s no way they can be all bad, right?? Maybe we’ve taken the piss a little too far.

That was all until I was victimised by the TikTok comment section of our very own So Sydney! account. Yes, believe it or not, but somehow our on-street interviews about Raygun very much so made it to the wrong side of TikTok. And by wrong side, I mean deeply conservative and angry Americans. To say they wanted to put their two cents into the situation would be an understatement.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I know not all Americans feel the same way about the situation. And I don’t actually think they’re all bad (not even close). But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t taken back by the readiness the great state was to absolutely slam Australia. It looks like this bizarre rivalry does, in fact, go both ways. Who knew.

Instead of hyping you up, let me just cut straight to it. Here’s So Sydney!’s pick of comments from our Raygun video. And it’s not nice: you’ve been warned.

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