Logie Awards 2024: Pimp Daddios hit the red carpet and there’s not a science oven in sight


It’s a risky move rolling up to Australia’s night of nights when it comes to awards and red carpets dressed a bit like an 80’s con man / pimp daddy and if your names not Irving Rosenfeld you’re probably not going to pull it off.

It cannot be said Married at First Sights resident ‘expert’ John Aiken did anything for his red carpet appearance by adding a pair of black rimmed aviator style sunglasses to his ensemble which was otherwise a timeless classic black tuxedo. The ‘expert’ arrived on the carpet with fellow ‘expert’ and sexologist Alessandra Rampolla who shimmied in a long gold dress looking much like a gold Logie herself. Taken together the pair brought a touch of 80’s classic elegance to the event…save for the god awful choice of eyewear.

Dear John let’s leave risky fashion moves to the experts and please go back to your area of expertise. Although that could use some work. You’re average for successfully pairing marriages ain’t great either.

Now to Andy Lee. Well when you are young, successful and handsome, which Andy is – there’s a lot you can get away with and on this occasion Andy Lee has pulled it off. When considering wearing shades on the red carpet it helps to choose frames that suit the shape of your face. I’m no optometrist but John Aiken chose poorly. Round frames do not suit a man with a square head. Andy on the other hand got it right. Kudos.

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