Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most disgruntled of them all? Kyle Sandilands returns to upcoming season of Snow White at the Riverside Theatre.


Ladies and gentlemen, the ex-drama kid bones in my body are quivering. I have just come across what can only be described as the best typecast since Adam Sandler in literally every Adam Sandler movie ever.

That’s right, Kyle Sandilands will be returning to play Mirror Disgruntled in the upcoming season of Snow White.

In celebration of their ten-year anniversary, Bonnie Lythgoe Productions will be bringing back the pantomime fairytale for a limited season at Riverside Theatre in Parramatta.

Sandilands truly is perfect for the role. Not only is he no stranger to being disgruntled, but he has an unrivalled tenacity for telling women what to think. Back in 2009, he was suspended by former employer 2DayFM after suggesting Magda Szubanski could lose weight faster in a concentration camp. That situation became even more awkward when they worked alongside each other in the 2014 rendition of the production.

In other words, he offers all the experience to deliver what we can expect to be an Oscar award-winning performance.

While Szubanski won’t be returning for the season, Sandilands will thankfully still be able to hold hands with his other mirror half, Sir Cliff Richard. But don’t get too excited, the show might be pantomime, but there won’t be any heckling opportunities. Sandilands’ role will be pre-recorded, so it will quite literally fall on deaf ears.

  • Where: Riverside Theatre, Parramatta
  • When: 7 to 21 September
  • How much: From $59
  • Check it out here.
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