RAIN ON OUR PARADE I’ve just checked the weather forecast and WTF? Is La Niña summer really back again?
BY: Kartya Vucetic
Bad news people. Sydney maybe, just maybe, will be scoring it’s fourth La Niña summer in five years. And to be honest, at least it would give us some explanation as to this bloody gross weather we’ve been having.
After some stats from a Southern Hemisphere monitoring statement released by BOM came out earlier this week, there’s been speculation as to whether the nation will be copping a seriously belated La Niña event. And while BOM have yet to declare anything official, they have indicated that it’s likely going to be a wet end to summer.
We could go into detail, but let’s be real, the climate jargon is all very technical and very confusing. All you need to know is that currently, the Bureau have declared the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as neutral. Emphasis on currently. Other more recent observations of ocean and atmosphere indicators suggest an increasingly stronger linking to a La Niña event. In other words, it’s probably only a matter of time until BOM officially declares it.
In any case, current data is pointing towards the La Niña rounding out in March. And while that may seem like a long time away, let’s look on the bright side. Most of the time these rainfall events span for as long as a year, and even more. So a few months? Sure, we can probably deal.
But nevertheless, it certainly is one big fat rain on our parade.