King Charles III says nah to the ménage à trois after OnlyFans creator Gigi Anne gets kicked out of royal meet and greet at Sydney Opera House


Ahhh Sydney. There really is never a dull moment.

On Tuesday, King Charles III and Queen Camilla made a heavily publicised trip over to the Sydney Opera House. Naturally, the meet and greet attracted a cast of thousands. There was cheering, there was booing, and there were even…uh…sexual propositions?

Yes, you heard me correctly. OnlyFans creator Gigi Anne was spotted donning a sign reading “Charles, there can be 3 people in your marriage again…” The model stood on the front barrier as the King and Queen walked along shaking hands with spectators. She was referencing the famous quote from Princess Diana’s world-famous 1995 interview, discussing her relationship with Prince Charles and his at-the-time friendship with Camilla.

The model, also known online as “blondegigii”, has since reportedly come out stating her attempts to “secure the King’s number”. In doing so, she was reportedly booed and branded “disrespectful”, as she removed her top to reveal a skimpy bikini as the King approached her.

But alas, in King Charles III ripe old age of 75, it appears that perhaps a leopard can change it’s spots. Security quickly averted his attention away from the brandished sign, and towards the more placable peasants.

But hey, who can complain. After the less than warm reception King Charles III and Queen Camilla have received during their royal tour this week, surely this level of hospitality is some form of compensation?

No? Just me? Oh well.

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