Madeline Holtznagel leaves daily Berner session in Pips pants


Yesterday, we spotted 27-year-old Madeline Holtznagel leaving Body By Berner in Bondi (wow, that’s a tongue twister). It appears the model is yet another one of the social elites to fall victim to the Pilates tribe. What’s actually happening in there, I wonder?! I guess us normies will never know.

Anyway, see below for all the papped pics of her leaving the class. Holtznagel was seen not only repping PE Nation branded gym leggings but an exclusive Stanley cup gifted to those lucky enough to attend the brand’s show at Australian Fashion Week earlier this year. A friend of the brand, perhaps?

The glamorous model is perhaps best known for her relationship with none other than Merivale’s CEO, Justin Hemmes. Ahh, wouldn’t it be nice to be in cahoots with a billionaire!

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