Tonight is the first MAFS dinner party for Season 12. Our BTS will have you questioning which couples are actually into each other…


Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve all officially boarded this season’s MAFS train, and I think I speak for us all when I say that I’m not getting off any time soon. The drama, the romance, the catastrophe?! Never in my wildest dreams could I script something this good.

Tonight, we’re in for an absolute treat. And when I say treat, I really mean the first MAFS dinner party. And while I’m not at liberty to give you any real spoilers, all I’ll say is that this one has disaster written all over it.

After all, what can you expect from putting a group of strangers on national television in a room together for twelve hours and plying them with booze?

Special shoutouts go to Tim, who continues to somehow make an even bigger arse of himself for all of Australia to see. Just from last night’s teaser trailer we can tell he’s going to make himself even more hated, and I didn’t think that was possible. I wonder what he’s thinking right now? My god, I’d give anything to be a fly on that wall.

Now, if you’re looking for all the BTS scoop, you’re in luck. We papped a large portion of the gang out the front of Alexandria, prior to them heading in for dinner. And while it’s all well and good to play house on camera, we want to know whether these lovebirds are, in fact, walking the walk.

Jacqui and Ryan

Ahh, Australia’s most psychotic couple. No but seriously, these two are actually insane. Which probably makes them perfect for each other, so I guess the experts have done something right. After last night’s wedding ordeal, I really don’t know what the go is between these two. Part of me thinks they’re well suited, the other is 100% convinced that Jacqui is purely treating this as a competition. Perhaps she’s crossing her fingers that she’ll win the grand prize of a blonde finance bro by the end of it. What is it with the blonde thing this season?!

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Based on these pictures, we can tell that Ryan’s already missing the mark in not opening the door for her. Cue a shot of her fake crying about it. On a positive note, though, she seems somewhat smitten that she’s copping some good ol’ paparazzi attention. Go off queen, get your bag.

Jamie and Dave

I honestly have nothing but love for this couple. We LOVE love. The experts fully nailed this one. And based on these piccies, it looks like the first few weeks are going well for these two. 10/10, no notes.

Carina and Paul

Our fashion queen is back and, as expected, serving us a seriously Kardashian-esque look to kick off the dinner parties. This is one seriously stylish lady, and she is using every opportunity to prove that to us (which we love). All I’m wondering is where the hair came from, and if a small Indian child had to sacrifice it to her.

Like Jamie and Dave, we’re giving this a 10/10. Paul perfectly coordinates his neutral toned suit with her, and if that’s not love then I don’t know what is.

Morena and Tony

Let me make this very clear. I am a Tony FAN. Aside from sharing a similar cultural background with him, he is actually the sweetest (so far, we’re not getting too ahead of ourselves quite yet). However, I do think based on these pics that he hasn’t quite yet grappled with the reality that there are cameras everywhere. And I mean everywhere. And in away, that really only makes him more endearing.

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After last night’s wedding, it appears the two are also very much still vibing each other. Morena is glammed up, as expected, and the pair seem reasonably strong. Which only makes me further question why she’s getting the boot in just a few weeks time?! You can read all about that here.

All I’ll say is…friendzone. There, I called it. These two couldn’t find a spark if they were in a Queensland bushfire. Read over here for further evidence of our early conclusions. With that being said, I’d be lying if I claimed I didn’t want this to happen. Besides, they’re a hot couple and they seem nice (and sporty) enough for each other. Rhi and Jeff 100% go on run club dates, I just know it.

Awhina and Adrian

Perhaps Ryan should take a leaf out of Adrian’s book in opening the car door for his lady. All I’ll say is that it appears to go a long way, as these two appear very smitten with one another. Lots of hand-on-bum action only confirms what the cameras have been showing us, which is always a good sign.

Jake and Ashleigh

They might be this season’s filler characters (or so far, at least), but we’re shipping Ashleigh and Jake. Very wholesome. Very cutesy. And another chivalrous door opening, which is always a good sign. We haven’t really seen or heard much from these two since start of filming. I guess that happens when you’re not going on a show purely for Instagram followers or to stir shit? Idk.

Sierah and Billy

I want to hate it. I really do. The matching neon pink goes against every bone in my body. And yet, I love it. The conflict! These two seem really cute, suggesting that maybe the MAFS producers aren’t, in fact, overly editing the scenes for us. After all, you can’t be in a matchy matchy couples fit if you’re not in love. It just doesn’t work that way. And for some reason, I’m placing bets that this was 100% Billy’s idea. Sierah’s just going along with it, but she definitely knows it looks just a little bit stupid.

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Anyway, if you’ve managed to make it all the way to the end of this article, kudos to you. You’re officially inducted into the MAFS cult that this show has become, and there’s no going back.


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